TriWest Supports Veterans’ Quality of Health and Well-Being Through VMLC

U.S. Medal of Honor recipients speak with TriWest President and CEO David J. McIntyre, Jr.
Phoenix, AZ (November 16, 2022) – The Veterans Medical Leadership Council (VMLC) is a non-profit organization providing Arizona Veterans support in three critical areas: assistance in transitioning to civilian life after Service, living essentials including water and power for Veteran members of the Navajo Nation, and mental health support for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
VMLC supports Veterans registered for services through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and receives referrals of Veterans whose individual needs and requirements exceed VA, State of Arizona, and other state and federal services.
“TriWest has been a proud supporter of the Veterans Medical Leadership Council for a number of years and its mission of honoring and serving Veterans living in Arizona,” said Glenn Gray, Director of Customer Care and Community Relations at TriWest Healthcare Alliance (TriWest). “Through a partnership with VA social workers, VMLC helps identify Veterans who have emergency financial needs, and also identifies underserved populations like Veterans on the Navajo Nation in northeast Arizona during the peak of COVID.”

TriWest leadership and Veteran employees at the VMLC 20th Annual Heroes Patriotic Luncheon.
TriWest joined with VMLC at its recent 20th Annual Heroes Patriotic Luncheon to recognize participating Arizona Veterans for their community support. U.S. Army Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Patrick Brady served as keynote speaker, with TriWest President and CEO David J. McIntyre, Jr., attending as Honorary Chair. During his remarks, Major General Brady acknowledged and thanked McIntyre for the work he and TriWest have done in support of the Veteran community. VMLC provides support for Veterans of any era through the VA’s social worker network and other charitable entities. Services include shelter, emergency home or auto repair and utility bill support, and treatment for PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Find out more about VMLC.