Accreditations and Certifications
We're also honored to be certified and accredited for our customer service and clinical excellence.

URAC Accreditation Case Management
Case Management 6.0 Expiration Date: 06/01/2026
Provides for interactive care coordination in collaboration with patients and other stakeholders.

URAC Accreditation Health Network
Health Network 8.0 Expiration Date: 08/01/2026
Performs and/or delegates health network functions, including management, credentialing and recredentialing.

2024 "Center of Excellence" Recertification from BenchmarkPortal for Superior Customer Service
TriWest’s Contact Center was recognized for the fourth consecutive year by BenchmarkPortal as a "Center of Excellence." The recognition is based on the world’s largest database of best-practice metrics that BenchmarkPortal audits and validates.
Past Years: 2023, 2022, 2021