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VA Information Program to Increase Awareness of Available Care in Rural Areas

WASHINGTON (April 14, 2023) – The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has expanded a pilot program to connect Veterans in rural areas with health care access information for VA telehealth and mental health resources.

The program, a partnership with several rural states, includes posting VA materials at rest areas to provide traveling Veterans information about availability to care through telehealth, the closest VA facility and the Veterans Crisis Line.

Initiated in Montana, VA developed the pilot program as part of a larger effort to increase Veterans’ access to care, particularly in areas where travel is a limiting factor.

The health care information program has expanded to Wyoming, Kansas, Louisiana and Nevada, distributing materials to rest areas and welcome centers across the five states. VA intends to continue the initiative in other rural states.

This program is designed to connect Veterans with VA resources and providers. To learn more, read this recent VA News article on the information awareness program.