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TriWest Military Spouse Employees Share Important Stories for Military Spouse Appreciation Day

PHOENIX (May 12, 2023) – May is National Military Appreciation Month and for Military Spouse Appreciation Day TriWest Healthcare Alliance (TriWest) enthusiastically celebrates the committed spouses who provide essential home support for our nation’s proud Armed Forces.

Without these steadfast spouses and their families, the nation's military would lack a vital partner in supporting our Armed Forces' flexibility, stability and readiness.

In recognition of Military Spouse Appreciation Day, TriWest captured insights and comments of several TriWest military spouse employees who expressed deep pride in their support for those that serve.

Malynda Ryder, TriWest Claims Manager

Ryder has been a Claims Manager at TriWest for almost 19 years. Her husband, Tim, U.S. Air Force, Retired, earlier served in the Air Force Logistics Readiness Squadron. They met in November 2008 – one month before he was set to deploy to Kirkuk, Iraq.

"It was hard to wrap my head around how different our situations were half a world away," she explained.

Ryder's sons now actively serve. Her oldest enlisted in the Air Force and is currently an E-5 Linguist stationed at Fort Gordon, Ga., while her younger son enlisted in the U.S. Army and will soon be deployed with his Infantry unit.

Her daughter-in-law also served in the U.S. Navy as a Linguist, fulfilled her commitment, and is now a full-time student.

Ryder recalled one of the biggest challenges of being a part of a military family is the unknowns and lack of control over many situations.

Despite challenges, Ryder said being a part of a military family brings great rewards, including the pride felt in the hard work and accomplishments achieved by her family, and their sacrifices and dedication to their service branches.

Candace Martin-Richberg, TriWest Customer Service Representative

Martin-Richberg is a former Active Duty military spouse married to a proud U.S. Army Veteran. They have four children and ultimately made El Paso, Texas, their home after being stationed at Ft. Knox, Kent., El Paso and near Wahiawa, Hawaii.

Military life affects parents, spouses, children, and even extended family, Martin-Richberg explained. She recommends that there are many ways to support military families including reaching out to them to check in regularly, and thanking them for or acknowledging their sacrifices.

"The fact that there is a specific day devoted to appreciating the families that had the service members' backs when they were Active makes me feel appreciated," Martin-Richberg said.

Lorilynn Duchane-Trujillo, former Active Duty military spouse

Duchane-Trujillo is the spouse of TriWest's IT Support Manager Phillip Trujillo, a U.S. Marine Corps Veteran. Phillip Trujillo served as a Corporal, 1st Marine Division, 5th Marine Regiment, and 9th Marine Regiment, 2nd Battalion Fox Company, 9th Marine Raiders.

"I had no concept of what patriotism felt like until I met Phillip or until I went to my son's basic training graduation, or until I held my grandfather's Bronze Stars," Duchane-Trujillo said. "Both my nephews followed in their uncle’s footsteps and recently joined the Marines as well. The military is a family in itself. Everyone supports one another."

Phillip has worked at TriWest more than eight years.

Duchane-Trujillo holds a deep appreciation for celebrating service members, Veterans, and their families, and an understanding of how much influence the military has on everyday civilian life.

"Service members are giving up a civilian life to defend our country and many of the freedoms we have daily," Duchane-Trujillo noted. "I think they need and deserve all the support we have to give."

Paying Tribute to Military Spouses

For Military Spouse Appreciation Day, TriWest enthusiastically pays tribute to all military spouses and their families who support the nation’s Armed Forces at home and around the world, for their ongoing dedication and commitment.

Read about the dedication, commitment and support of three TriWest military spouse employees in this new Healthy Homefront® feature highlighting their stories.