TriWest Teams with VA Partner for National Nutrition Month

March 11, 2020 – For National Nutrition Month in March – an annual campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics – TriWest teamed with one of its Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) partners. Together with the VA North Texas Healthcare System, TriWest helped employees recognize the benefits of good nutrition.

Meal prepping is just one way to focus on enhanced nutrition. Charla Guyon, Clinical Nutrition Manager for VA North Texas Health Care System, shared her best ideas and suggestions for making meal prep easier and healthier.

“TriWest is a great partner to us and I’m happy to provide information on good nutrition tips,” said Charla.

Aside from meal prepping, there are a number of ways to incorporate some positive changes in your life. Set a timer to remind yourself to drink water throughout the day; take a quick 10- or 15-minute walk; try crunchy veggies as a snack instead of chips or pretzels.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics offers a variety of information and support to help get (and keep) Americans on the right track to healthy eating and healthy habits!

Charla and her colleagues created a Meal Prepping 101 presentation, part of a Lunch and Learn series that she helped organize for each of the VA North Texas sites. Meal prepping doesn’t have to be difficult, and you can customize it to suit your needs.

“Next year, I suspect we’ll be able to grow on this, and continue to make National Nutrition Month even more amazing,” noted Charla.

What a great way to get into healthier habits that are important all year long, and an ideal way for TriWest to work together with the team at VA North Texas Healthcare System.

*Meal Prep 101 shared with permission from VA North Texas Health Care System.


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