A Spotlight on Pulmonary Rehabilitation within TriWest’s Community Care Network
PHOENIX (January 8, 2024) – Each day, TriWest Healthcare Alliance (TriWest) works alongside the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to ensure Veterans get the timely, high-quality health care they have earned and deserve.
More than 60 million health care encounters have taken place through the Community Care Network (CCN) Regions 4 and 5 in the last decade, delivering needed care to Veterans in their local communities. Within millions of health care encounters through TriWest’s team of dedicated community providers, health care professionals like Dr. Tami Peavy work tirelessly to meet the unique health care needs of Veterans.
Dr. Peavy is a pulmonary physical therapist who receives referrals from VA, local case managers and other clinicians to help patients with chronic respiratory disease. Her interest in pulmonary rehabilitation began with the death of her father, a U.S. Navy Veteran, at age 72. He had developed emphysema, eventually passing away one month before her son’s birth, leaving her feeling helpless.
This new Healthy Homefront® feature shares Dr. Peavy's story and how she became passionate about helping Veterans.
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