Blind and Low Vision Veterans Have Support Available Through VA Resources
WASHINGTON (February 10, 2025) — For aging Veterans with visual impairments such as blindness and low vision, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers useful services and resources to help improve their lives.
According to VA, age-related eye conditions are the leading cause of vision loss in Veterans. Blindness and low vision can result from macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and other diagnoses, VA says.
Low vision refers to a visual impairment that is not corrected with glasses, contacts, or other remedies. VA’s vision rehabilitation services help Veterans maximize their remaining sight to continue living productive lives, VA says.
VA’s Blind and Visual Impairment Rehabilitation Services provide a range of inpatient, outpatient and virtual vision rehabilitation offerings to help Veterans meet daily life challenges.
For Veterans with no vision, VA’s visual rehabilitation services cannot restore sight but can provide helpful techniques to maintain an independent lifestyle.
Learn more about VA’s vision impairment support in this recent VA News article describing its visual rehabilitation services for blind and low vision Veterans.
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