TriWest Lauds Doctors for National Doctors Day
March 30, 2020 – TriWest honors the medical professionals who care for us, day in and day out, and today – National Doctors Day – we thank all doctors who put patients first. Their dedication to the well-being of people in all our communities is met with our heartfelt gratitude.
Almost 700,000 individual community providers have partnered with TriWest to help keep Veterans healthy. These doctors offer Veterans timely access to high quality care when they need it. We are equally proud to partner with VA, whose doctors care for our nation’s Veterans, providing them the health care they deserve.
Now more than ever, in these uncertain times when innovation, compassion, and tireless care are most required, we recognize and thank all doctors for the work they do, and have done, to keep us well.
All of us at TriWest are grateful for the wonderful providers who we work with. Not only do we thank the doctors in our own communities and in our Veteran communities, but we thank the doctors who are part of Team TriWest: Jamie Robbins, M.D.; Frank “Mac” Maguire, M.D.; Lori Highberger, M.D.; and William Dixon, M.D.
We hope you make time to recognize the compassionate work doctors do every day to care for the health and well-being of all of us.
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