National Veterans and Military Families Month: TriWest Military Family Employees Share Pride

Phoenix, Ariz. (November 23, 2022) – November is National Veterans and Military Families Month when the nation recognizes and honors the important role Veterans and military families perform in supporting and sustaining a stronger U.S. Armed Forces.

The month-long appreciation, designated in a White House proclamation on Oct. 31, is intended to call upon the nation to honor Veterans and military families through appropriate ceremonies and activities. During the month the nation recognizes the service and sacrifice of Veterans and military families, who face both new adventures and unique challenges in their important military-connected roles.

To learn more about how TriWest Healthcare Alliance (TriWest) honors our nation’s Veterans and military families during National Veterans and Military Families Month, read this special Healthy Homefront feature article highlighting two TriWest military family employees and their pride in their support and service the nation.


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